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  • 1945 to completely end World War 2 the United States dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan. This ended the war while showing the US power to other counties. However this was a sort of the beginning of the cold war between the US and the Soviet Union. The move dropping bombs on Japan increased tensions between the US and the Soviet Union.
  • The Korean war began June 25, 1950. American troop came to help south Korean by July. Although this war didn't necessarily need the US to get involved they viewed it as a fight against communism. The use helped south Korea well north Korea got help from the soviet Union. This is the closet the two countries actual got fighting.
  • The Berlin wall was built 1961, dividing the city. This made a huge change in many peoples lives. It also showed a lot of the tenses between the Soviet Union and the US raising. It made the Soviet Union also appear more hostile and ready for war.
  • On May 5, 1987 the last active Titan II came off alert. This day marking the end of operational life of the largest land based missile in the US arsenal. The base only lasted 24 years to deter attack. This was a huge sign of tenses calming down between the US and soviet union.
  • The Cuban missiles crisis was a terrifying threat of nuclear war. The US did a rontain missile test however this was misread by the soviet union as an attack. The threat of nuclear war was high and some even assumed it would happen. Lucky although tense where still higher war was avoided.
  • The last and possibly largest sign the cold war was over was the opening of the Berlin wall. The Berlin wall was opened after president Reagan challenged the soviet general secretary to tear down the wall. Just under 18 months later the wall was fully torndown. This was a large sign of the soviet unions tenses with other counties going down.
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