The story Rogue Wave is about a teenager, Sully, who takes his sister Scout for a boat ride for her 14th birthday.
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Rogue Wave
by theodore Taylor
The type of conflict in the Rogue Wave story is Character vs. Nature because the rogue wave came out of nowhere. That is the conflict of the story. The rogue wave is also part of nature, so it would be character versus nature. In a story there is a protagonist and an antagonist. The protagonists are Scout and Sully. The antagonist would be the rogue wave
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Rising Action
good job
In this part of the story, which is the rising action, Sully and Scout ride the sailboat and have fun while Sully teaches Scout how to drive the boat.
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While Sully and Scout are having fun on the sailboat,a giant red wave comes and capsizes the boat.
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Falling Actions
In the story after the rogue wave hits the boat and capsizes the sailboat, Sully is safe so he swims to the top of the boat while his sister Scout is stuck in the middle of the boat and can't get out. She is breathing through a small air pocket at the top of the boat. Slowly the ship sinks and Scoot is stunned by the wave.
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we are gonna help you!!
Eventually, Scout wakes up and finds an exit through the butterfly window at the top of the boat and opens them so she can escape and get help. Sully and Scout eventually find some fishermen nearby and ask them for help.