Hello today were going to talk about the five classes of immunoglobulin. we are going to discuss what they're function are.
but first what is a immunoglobulin? immunoglobulin also know as antibodies are glycoprotein molecules produced by plasma cells or white blood cells.
there are 5 classes of immunoglobulin IgM ( pentamer), IgG (monomer), Secretory IgA (dimer), IgE (monomer) and IgD (Monomer).
were gonna talk about lgM first, the lgM is secreted into the blood and is responsible for early stages of immunity.
and it also serves as the b cell receptor it is also responsible for fixing complements.
it neutralizes toxins and opsonization it is also the main blood antibody of secondary responses.
second is lgG, lgG are secreted by plasma cells in blood able to cross the placenta into the fetus.
lgE are the ones responsible for allergic reactions and protects us form parasitic worms.
third is lgE, lgE are secreted into mucus, tears, saliva and colostrum.
fourth is lgO, lgo are antibody of allergy and anti parasitic activity.
it is also a part of B cell receptor and activatesbasophils and mast cells.
last is lgA, lgA are B cell receptors that are found in mucus, saliva, tears and breast milks
lgA are the ones responsible for protecting us against pathogens