While Ignatius was at court he was taken up with the pleasures of the world. He led a free and easy life. Then at 18 years old on 23 October 1509 he left court and joined the military. He knew he needed more in his life. He wanted discipline and a sense of doing something worthwhile in his life and he is displaying the qualities that would direct his later life. These are the qualities of courage and service which he will develop and use in his life as a Jesuit.
Ignatius entered the military service of the Duke of Najera. He participated in many battles without injury but at the Battle of Pamplona in 1521 he was badly injured when a cannonball shattered his right leg. He had painful surgery and while he was recovering Ignatius had a spiritual conversion which would influence the rest of his life.
After his spiritual conversion Ignatius was determined to study for the priesthood. After he was ordained he went to Rome and met the Pope and on Christmas Day in 1538 he celebrated his first Mass. This inspired him to ask his companions to come to Rome and after weeks of prayer and discussions they formed a community, the Society of Jesus.