Dear Lord, please give me the strength to talk to him!
It all started when I saw him for the first time and I realized I had to have him.
Crossing the First Threshold
Anything for you.
Hey, can I borrow a pencil?
After I saw him, I realized I was way too shy to talk to him. So, I ignored my crush in tragic anguish.
Belly of the Whale/ Atonement with the Father
Hey, we should totally go out sometime.
I like you but what would my friends say if we dated.
I prayed and prayed for the nerve and courage to talk to him.
He doesn't matter, you should just focus on yourself.
Was there something wrong with me?
Armed with the strength and courage of the Lord, I decided to conquer my first battle of talking to him..
We slowly got to know each other, so I faced my fears and finally asked him out.
No way, you shouldn't beat yourself up about this.
Following my rejection I was completely devastated. I had a lot of time to myself, questioning who I was and how I presented myself. During the time, I realized how little boys actually mattered.
Road of Trials
Go away.
No way. I am not gonna put myself through that again.
Was I too harsh?
Maybe he was just trying to be nice?
Meeting with the Goddess
I'm not gonna let him jerk me around anymore. I have to quit being a sissy and set my boundaries.
One cold night, after I had recovered from that experience, he tried to reach out and reconnect after all the turmoil he caused.
Refusal to Return
I had felt bad denying his request to reach out, but I worked so hard to heal the hurt he caused. Despite everything he put me through though, I was still tempted to go back and reconcile with him.
Ultimate Boon
Though, I realized I was way too good to be jerked around. So, I had to man up and protect my heart from his mixed feelings
Magic Flight
After a long journey, I had finally removed myself from him. Despite my success, I was still insecure about my feelings.
Ultimately, I realized I could put my passion into my work and my art, rather than boys.
Upon my intense realization, my friend Maddy helped my reinforce my decision, ending my long journey.