I can't believe the lady is blind.After this terrible day, I think that nothing can go wrong.Now, the lady and I are waiting for the cab that I ordered.
Thank you!You are my hero.
I can't believe that I need to come home by myself.
Finally, I am in the city. I am so hungry, I think I will look for something to eat.
Theodoric was shocking for a long time. He couldn't believe that the lady is blind. Theodoric and the blind lady went out of the train and ordered a cab. While they were waiting for the cab, they weren't talking at all.
Oh no, someone stole my bag, all my money and my property that I had in my bag are gone.
Ha ha ha.
While they were waiting, the cab arrived. There was just one more place in the cab, so someone had to give up. Theodoric knew that the lady couldn't go home by herself, so he decided to give up for her. The lady was driving in the cab while Theodoric was thinking about what to do. He was sitting there for a long time. He didn't want to go home by walking, but he knew he had no choice.
Finally, I am at my home. It was such a terrible day. Nothing can go wrong.
Theodoric was going home by himself. After a long walking, Theodoric came to the city. He was so hungry, so he was going to find something to eat.
Oh no, I am not finding my key. It probably fell on my way back home.
Mom, why is this adult man crying?
I don't know, don't look at him.
In the shop, Theodoric put his bag next to him. While he was thinking about what to order, someone stole his bag, all the money and the property that he had in the bag were gone. Luckily his key was in his pocket. Theodoric had no choice, he had to eat at home.
Theodoric was going home. It was such a terrible day. When he came home, he was happy. He thought nothing could go wrong anymore.
Theodoric didn't find his key. He was looking for it for a long time. He was crying when he found out that it probably fell on his way back home.What a terrible day he went through.