She is preparing for SAT exam and because of that, she is looking for apps to help her further prepare, she stumbled upon Go-Ed App
This is Amira.
A young Saudi woman who is passionate about her studies.
how do I access the old tests... oh the exclamation mark might give me details on how to navigate this app
This tutorial seems helpful, ill definitely use it. for now ill continue by clicking "Next"
Welcome To Go-Ed application! this is a tutorial that will appear on each page ( ) and will guide you when you click on it. please click next to continue this homepage tutorial!
I see...
Homepage tutorialyou can check quote of the dayand announcements by tapping them. the icons below are (from left to right)Media: access videos, pictures and on going series videos. (tap to continue)
Now I know what do I need to do, but i better continue so i have a clear picture of the last icon
Homepage tutorialColander icon: you can register for upcoming lectures there.Home icon: takes you back to the homepage Paper icon: test yourself here by taking on old tests or reviewing what you have learned using flashcards. (tap to continue)
Okay. time to check the tests available
Homepage tutorialCommunication Iconfind information about Go-Ed as well as information about the lecturers and their contact info.feel free to drop us an email if you have feedback or would like to use our learning platform to teach a course! (tap to end)
Its that icon again... but I won't need it this time, this page is pretty straight forward
Hmm... I don't see SAT in the Interaction Wheel, ill just use the Search bar then
ill click on Test4 and start solving! then ill check the next set of questions