"Next week,I want you guys to speak in front the class."
"The topic is about 'yourself'. So, good luck !"
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"Hmm ... But I don't have confidence to speak in front of the audience."
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"After that, Shazril meets Adam at his locker door."
"Hi Adam, may I ask you something?"
"Yeah, sure ! What is it?"
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"Can you give some tips on how i can speak confidentlsy in front of an audience?"
"Sure, Shazril. First , you need to start with a strong opening for your speech . Remember, if you forget you're going to say, you can move on to the next point you remember"
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"Oh, thanks a lot, Adam . I hope I can speak well on that day."
"You're welcome.I hope you do well. Good luck,Shazril !"
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"Next day,Shazril speaks in front and does it well."
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Writing Class
"I'm leaving you with an assignment ,so make sure you write the best essay and finish it."
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"After class,Shazril meets Ahmad."
"Hi Ahmad,can you give me some tips on how I can write a proper essay?"
"Hi Shazril, sure! Why not?
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"You need to make sure you have a clear structure for your essay and come up with interesting ideas to write a good one."
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"Oh! Thank you so much for the tips,Ahmad."
"You're welcome,Shazril !"
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"During his free time, Shazril works on an essay."
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"After that, he finishes writing his essay."
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Grammar Class
"Today, I want you guys to learn about types of pronous."
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"After a few Hours"
"Okey ,that's all for today. I will give you an assignment, so make sure you finish it."
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"Hmm, it is difficult for me to do it alone. I need someone to help me.
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"Shazril meets Wiss at the café."
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"After that, Shazril went to the library to do his assignment."
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"In the evening, Shazril finishes his assignment."
"Oh my God, I'm finally finished! I don't think I would have been able to do all this without my friends. I am very grateful to have friends like them."
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"Oh, Shazril, sure. How can I help you?"
"Hi Wiss, I need your help with my assignment."
"I still do not understand the types of pronouns. Can you explain them to me?"
"Oh, the types of pronouns. There are nine types of pronouns."
"Oh, I see. Thank you for explaining it to me."
You're welcome
"Possessive pronouns are used to express possession, ownership, origin, and relationship. For example: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, and theirs