I would not draw six thousand ducats if they were divided into six parts, each of which was a ducat.
For thy three thousand ducats here is six.
I bear the burden of my deeds on my head! I crave the law,The penalty and forfeit of my bond.
Mercy drops as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
But little: I am arm'd and well prepar'd. Give me your hand, Bassanio
The words expressly are 'a pound of flesh' One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goodsAre, by the laws of Venice, confiscate Unto the state of Venice
O upright judge! Mark, Jew: O learned judge!
Shylock demands that Antonio refund his money. Bassanio offers twice the amount of money that he loaned to Antonio but Shylock refuses.
Nay, take my life and all, pardon not that:
For half thy wealth, it is Antonio's; The other half comes to the general state,Which humbleness may drive unto a fine.
Trying to calm Shylock down, Portia tells him to have mercy on Antonio. Shylock seeks justice by adhering to the exact laws of Venice. As Shylock prepares to cut a pound of Antonio's flesh, Antonio is fully prepared.
I am content
He presently become a Christian; The other, that he do record a gift, Here in the court, of all he dies possess'd Unto his son Lorenzo and his daughter.
Portia addresses that if any drop of blood comes out of Antonio, Shylock will lose his property and will suffer his fair share of consequences. after that Shylock says that he will take three times the money he is owed, without harming Antonio. but its too late for that now
Antonio, gratify this gentleman, For in my mind you are much bound to him.
And stand indebted, over and above,In love and service to you evermore.
We freely cope your courteous pains withal.
the duke explains to Shylock the consequences that he is going to face. He offers to reduce the penalty to a fine, but Shylock refuses because he says if they want to take his wealth then they might as well take his life too.
Antonio offers Shylock mercy by giving him an alternative choice, which is to turn Christian and to write his will to his son-in-law Lorenzo and his daughter. Shylock is satisfied with that offer. Then Shylock exits.
The duke tells Antonio that he should be grateful for this man (Portia) and that he should reward her. Bassanio and Antonio thank her and tell her how much her act means to them because she saved them from something they didn't want to go through