The book told little stories, which were not very exciting to read, because the stories were about problems that the brothers have had, during their short time of life.
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But it wasn't all bad, at the end of the book there was a text written...
The secret of the happiness contract
“When you finish reading the book, you will give it to a person who is the right person to read it, otherwise you will lose the memory of what you have read”._____________________
This book is not intended to remember bad moments a person has had in his life, on the contrary if you sign this small condition you will find the true happiness of the book.
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The brothers decided to sign the contract that the book said, when they turned to the pages of the book they realized that apart from the story of the problems that the brothers had suffered, they realized that there were two different texts: “moral” and ‘feelings’. The moral is the lesson they learned thanks to that problem and the feeling is the emotion that each one felt when the problem was over.