Hi everyone, I'm Isabel and I'll present you my new product Salpast bat, the new healthy and delicious instant soup, with proteins and without fats, ready to eat at with real ingredients, and our smoothie that in a moment I will explain you more information about
This is made to finish with the obesity in México, there are too much junk food in the street and we want to be the people who tryed to change this reality
Our soup contains organic elememts that make it healthier and get an easy digestion, helping to get a better metabolism
Our smoothie it's too easy to prepare, it's like a tang or a zuko, you only have to add some water and it's ready to drink, its contains proteins and vitamins for help our healt
¿What do you think about our products?
Them are good products, fast preparation, innovative, healthy, and light, i think that it will be amazing and viral in a short period of time, the best products!
This products made my life better, now I save time for prepare food and I will never be late at work again
We realized that our product has enormous potential thanks to consumer interviews, if the company continues to grow we would like to expand our market
The way to make and create food is getting easier, it is advancing the way of food process along with technology, but is important to say that it never will be like the traditional way to cooking, but in some cases this could be your best way