This compass sure is helpful, it's always nice to have something pointing you in the right direction.
We be sailing off, for Europe!
My Caravel ship is the fastest there is! It let's me hold a ton of supplies!
This knotted rope helps me know if my ship is getting faster or slower! It is very helpful. Oh! This is where I need to go!
Hi, my name is William, and I am sailing for Europe to gain gold.This journey just started today, and it's already quite a handful. Food out here is pretty bad, especially with all the weavile in it. I need to be careful or else I will develop Scurvy!
My ship is the fastest there is! The Caravel ship! It is super fast and lets me carry a lot of supplies. Heavy storms are a problem for me and my ship, as it will probably sink it. Luckily, I have not came across a storm so far in this journey.
Running out of supplies is quite dangerous, it can make people run out of food, which can starve them to death. It is very dangero- Oh! I found the island I needed to go to! Well, that is all from me, bye!