I am finally 16 years old. I should really start preparing for my learner's license. I can't wait to get it!
ICBC Learn to Drive Smart
Let's read this.
Street Sense App
ICBC Click below for practice test Full test Signs Test
I am ready to give my knowledge test. I should book it now.
ICBC Book Your Knowledge Test
Anoop is 16 years old and is very excited to earn his BC driver's license. First, he plans on getting his learner's license.
Anoop: Hello, I am here to give my knowledge test.Lady: Okay, no worries have a seat
In order to get his L, he prepares for his knowledge test. He goes on the ICBC website and begins to read the Learn to Drive Smart book.
Click here to begin test
Let's do this!
(1 week Later) After finishing the Learn to Drive Smart Book, Anoop goes on the ICBC website to do the practice tests. He practices the full test and the signs test. He also downloads the Street Sense app in order to practice various driving scenarios.
Anoop: Yay! I passed. I am so happy.Mom: I am so proud of you son.
(1 week later)Once Anoop begins to get 100% on the practice tests and becomes proficient with the Street Sense game, he goes on the ICBC website and books his knowledge test.
Nav Driving SchoolBook Lessons Now Contact Us
Hello, is this Nav Driving School?I would like to book some driving lessons.
(A few days later)Anoop goes with his mom to the nearest ICBC Driver Licensing office to give his knowledge test. He brings an accepted piece of ID and his debit card to pay for his test. The lady on the counter gives Anoop all the instructions and tells him to wait for his turn.
When it is Anoop's turn to give his test, he goes to the computer to give it.
Yes, son you are really good at driving now. You should go ahead and book your road test.
Yay! Anoop passed. He took his picture, did his vision screening, and got his L sign.
I should book my Class 7 road test and read through the study guides.
(A few weeks later)Anoop's L card comes in the mail and he plans on booking some lessons to practice driving. He goes on his computer and searches for driving schools and then calls Nav Driving School to book his lessons.
ICBC Driver Licensing
(2 days later)Anoop's first driving lesson went great! His instructor encouraged him to drive at home with his parents as well.
You drive good. Make sure you practice at home with your parents too.
Okay, I will and thank you.
(12 months later)Anoop has been practicing driving with a supervisor for a year now and has stayed prohibition-free. He plans on booking his road test in order to receive his Novice License.
Dad, I should book my Class 7 road test now, don't you think?
Anoop goes on the ICBC website in order to book a date for his Class 7 road test. He also reviews the study guides on the ICBC website that will help him pass.
Book Class 7 road test Click here for study guides
(A few months later)Anoop goes with his driving instructor to the nearest ICBC Driver Licensing office to give his Class 7 road test. He takes the accepted pieces of ID, pays the road test fee, and then waits for his examiner to come.
Instructor: Good luck for your test.Anoop: Thank you!
Anoop gives his Class 7 road test.
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(2 years later)Anoop has been driving as a Novice driver for 2 years now and has stayed prohibition free. Now, he plans on booking his Class 5 road test.
Anoop goes on the ICBC website and books his Class 5 road test.
He goes on the ICBC website and reads through the study guides provided in order to freshen up his knowledge about what to expect on the road test. He also reads through the list of driving skills and potential hazards. Lastly, Anoop books a few lessons with his driving instructor to get some on-road driving practice with an experienced driver.
Anoop is taking a few lessons with his driving instructor.
(A few months later)Anoop is fully prepared and arrives at the ICBC Driver Licensing office to give his Class 5 road test. He brings the accepted ID's, his debit card, and a reliable vehicle to give his test.
Anoop gives his Class 5 road test.
Yay! Anoop passed his Class 5 road test and now has a full license.
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Image Attributions
915915 - Lukas - (License Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed