The story starts with young PT. Barnum and Charity. Barnum grew up poor and Charity's parents didn't want her to be with someone like Barnum. But they fell in love and charity takes a leap of faith and moves to New York City with Barnum. To live out their dreams
ClimaxNever Enough
The song come alive is the start of Barnum's whole journey . He buys the wax museum and learns that it isn't a very big attraction so his kids explain that he needs something sensational.
Falling Action From Now On
The freaks are scared to go outside the curtain during the show. But Barnum explains that they are strong and they can do it. So they sing This is Me to tell an amazing story about who they are and how they are not scared anymore.
ResolutionThe Greatest Show
The lyrics tell the story of love and being center stage and how exhilarating and strong both feelings can be and it's also they highest point of the show before it drops to a bad phase of luck.
The luck of Barnum goes down and he's in a very low place to where he thinks he isn't successful. His wife has left and his circus has burnt down. But his "freaks" explain that they are a family that sticks together and can make it through the bad times and he can't give up on them and the circus.
Barnum and Carlyle partner up and open the circus back up in a tent and make it the greatest ever. Then Barnum realizes that he needs to spend more time with family so he passes on his top hat to Carlyle meaning that he is retiring.