Yvonne and Tomas have been dating for a while. Before she was dating Tomas, she had sex with her ex boyfriend, but has now decided to wait until she is in love and in a stable relationship to have sex.
Tomas wants to have sex with Yvonne but he does not understand her decision.
Yvonne, you've had sex before. I know it was scary for you before, but it turned out fine. I do not understand why you are deciding to wait now.
Tomas, I like you a lot, but I have not had the best experiences in the past, and because of that I have decided that I want to wait to have sex.
But Yvonne, I thought you said that you would have sex after you have been in a stable relationship for a while. And I thought that you loved me.
Tomas, if you loved me you would respect my decisions not to have sex.
Tomas, I do love you but I am just not ready to have.....
(Tomas interrupts)
Yvonne, if you actually loved me you would have sex with me.
If he doesn't want to respect my decision, there are other horses in the pasture.