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Tangerine PBA Visual Representation

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Tangerine PBA Visual Representation
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  • Introduction
  • Hi Paul, I'm Uttalika and I'll be interviewing you today! So I'd like to know, the setting, the internal & external conflicts, and theme.
  • Sounds good! The setting that influenced the story as well as me, would be Tangerine Middle School. This is where I learned to be a braver person and where Erik was exposed.
  • Main Setting
  • This setting imapacts me because I was surrounded by tough peers who influenced me to be a stronger person.
  • Tangerine Middle School
  • Hit him Arthur!
  • School Court
  • This evidence of killing Luis revealed who Erik really is and advanced the plot.
  • Let's Fight!
  • What impact did the school have on you and the plot?
  • Internal Conflict
  • I think I remember Erik trying to kill me!
  • Sorry, but according to your IEP, you can't play soccer here.
  • My eyesight also caused name calling.
  • Freak
  • Honey, you know how it is with your eyesight...
  • Eclipse Boy
  • My internal conflict was my eyesight. My parents didn't believe me when I saw things
  • Mars
  • Worst of all, looks like the internal conflict prevented you from playing soccer.
  • Uttalika Meets Paul Fisher from the book "Tangerine by Edward Bloor" before interviewing him about the internal and external conflicts, setting, and theme. They first start talking about the setting, which is Tangerine Middle School.
  • External Conflict
  • As you can see, my external conflict is my relationship with my brother who I feared, and my parents' inability to see it.
  • Oh no! And it also looks like your dad only cares about Erik's football career.
  • This setting influences Paul by allowing him to adoptthe tough characteristics of his friends in the War Eagles soccer team in Tangerine Middle Schoo who taught Paul to be a braver person and finally stand up to Erik and expose his crimes. The setting influences the plot by revealing Erik's true identity because hitting Luis soon ends up killing him and the effect Paul is soon able to use this evidence to inform others.
  • Theme
  • Caught You Erik!
  • The theme learned was to Never let fear dominate your life, and stop you from discovering the truth, but rather find the ability to overcome it. Here I'm overcoming my fear by confrnting Erik.
  • Come on Arthur, let's go before anyone sees us!
  • School Track
  • I'm not scared of you Erik, I know you killed Luis and committed the robberies!
  • The internal conflict is Paul's eyesight. This is an internal conflict because it caused him many problems which lowered his self-confidence such as, having his parents not believe him, name-calling by students at his old school, and losing the ability to play soccer at his old school. He soon overcame this. His parents started believing him when he exposed Erik. Students started respecting him for his soccer abilities at his new school where he was able to play soccer.
  • Conclusion
  • It was a pleasure being a part of the interview!
  • The external conflict is Paul's relationship with his brother, and his parent's inability to see Erik for who he really is. At the same time, Paul fears Erik, possibly because he knows all the crimes he is capable of and knows the real Erik. However, he soon overcomes the external conflict by gradually developing the courage to tell others including his parents, and the cops about Erik's crimes, and expose him.
  • Hey eclipse boy, make sure not to stare at the sun or your eyes will melt!!! Oh and by the way, don't tell Mom about the cigars. Not that she'll believe you anyways!
  • Why do I fear him so much?
  • Erik is such a talented and good boy
  • The only thing worth discussing is the "Erik Fisher Football Dream"
  • Look, we are sorry we didn't tell you this before, but Erik is the one who damaged your eyes.
  • Paul learned the theme "Never let fear dominate your life, and stop you from discovering the truth, but rather find the ability to overcome it." After he gathered up the courage to confront his brother, his crimes were revealed when he got caught. His parents then told him the truth. Hence, this theme is applicable for this story.
  • Well Erik's in jail now
  • I'll pay more attention to you from now on.
  • Yes, I agree
  • End of Uttalika's interview with Paul Fisher.
  • And that's the end of the interview, thank you so much for joining!
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