Chanukah is tomorrow!! I cant wait! Im going to get a whole bunch of presents and see my family. Its going to be the best 8 days EVER!!!!
I better get to sleep
Not yet! We need to teach you about Chanukah first!!
what is the story of Chanukah?
They would try to make you eat unkosher and wouldn't let you do Jewish traditions. So little kids had to distract the Hellenist so their parents could study Torah.
Great question! Chanukah is a holiday obviously but it's not in the Torah! Some people call it the holiday of miracles! A very long time ago Greeks came and took over Persia which was where Israel was. They decided that they didn't want to kill all the jews but instead try to convert them to be Hellenists which was their religion.
Mattitaho the head cohen and Hsmmean formed a revolt and all the jews who joined we called zellonist. They fought in a war for 7 years! and mattiyahos son took over and they were called the maccabees slightly later
and they eon the war! they had much less people so thats one of the big miracles!
I just want presents..
when the war was over there temple was destroyed and there was no oil for light. It takes a very long time to make the oil and in the dark especially. They were all looking and someone found a container of oil! They lit up the Menorah and that oil lasted for 8 days straight! which is why we celebrate for 8 days. But that gave them enough time to make more oil! So that is another miricle!