Hey Ritu! Please come and help me out in filling the groceries in the respective boxes.
Sure ma!
Do you know the correct boxes for different items, dear?
Yep ma. I know them. If not I'll ask you.
Great! I have one more job for you which is kind of tricky but.
I'm done ma.
So we have 600 ice cubes 1cmx1cmx1cm in the refrigerator. We also have a bottle with dimensions 18cmx5cmx6cm. How many ice cubes can we fill into that bottle and how many would be left remaining?
ooo! That's Tricky. I think I might need your help ma.
No probelmo! So lets try this one. So now we have to find the volume of both the things. The volume of container bottle is 540cm cubed ( 18x5x6 cm cubed)
... And the volume of the cubes would be 1cm cubed (1x1x1 com cubed). Easy peasey lemon squeezy.!!
Good!. Now we have to find how many cubes can fit in the container. That would be the volume of the rectangular bottle divided by the volume of the cubes. Thus, the number of cubes would be 540.
So now the remaining cubes would be 600 minus 540 which is 60. WOOW!! Great ma. Now I have learnt a very good topic from this real life situation.