After the economic collapse in 1920, General Machado was elected president of Cuba.
Down with the Platt Amendment! Reforms for all!
However, he became a dictator and was forced out of office by a coup. Amongst them was Carlos Prío Socarrás, a future president.
Get outta here!
A former professor by the name of Ramón Grau San Martín was elected after Machado.
I want to reduce the U.S.'s influence here. I'm sure they wouldn't like that, but we need more independence.
Both the U.S. and left and right wing groups opposed the government. Fulgencio Batista deposed of San Martín.
You must go!
In 1948, a member of the Authentic Cuban#160;Revolutionary Party, Carlos Prío Socarrás, was elected. He continued with the policies of his#160;predecessor.
I liked the policies of San Martín. I'm going to make low-cost housing, agrarian reform, and so much more!
However, in 1952, Batista overthrew Prío and ruled as a U.S. backed dictator. Prío went into exile until he returned many years later to support Fidel#160;Castro.