Back then, about 600-800 B.C., many people believed on different shapes of the Earth...
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The Earth's shape is round. I believe that the sphere is the perfect geometric shape and the gods would only create a perfect world.
Till one fine day on 500 B.C., philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras announced that he believed that the Earth is round.
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The Earthis really spherical because of these observations I had....
As time passed...Aristotle, one of the great philosophers, started collected evidences that the earth is indeed round. It is spherical to be specific.
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When there is an eclipse, the moon always has a curved shadow casted by the eart...meaning that the Earth has curves because it is round.
One of the evidences was observed from eclipses....
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Not only the earth is circular in shape, but also that it is a sphere of no great size: or otherwise, the effect of so slight change o place wouldn't be quickly apparent.
He added too that the stars that are overhead are significantly changed by a very small change of position to south or north, and the stars seen are different, as one moves north or south.
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Hmm, the stick casted a shadow here but on the last place I went to, it doesn't. I can determine the circumference of the Earth with these evidences.
Years later.....Another philosopher, Eratosthenes, further proved that the earth is round and determined it's circumference with the use of a stick and the sun.
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The stars are constantly in different positions depending a person's location.