Can I have my throne back I’m the rightful heirUncle.
I exile you to the mountains
I am training with a centaur
Give me the throne back
Get the Golden Fleece and you can have it.
Jason’s uncle took the thrown of his grandfather and Jason should be king and he is exiled to the mountains
Chiron the cenataur trains him in the mountains
His uncle pelias sets him an impossible task to get back the throne.
Jason gathers all the best heroes they go on a boat called the Argo and name themselves argonaughts
They face many challenges including monsters harpies but they had Hercules and various Demi gods they also lost men but stayed with their eyes forward.
They put the dragon that guarded the fleece to sleep and hid from the king on that island but lost Hercules that was saving a crew member and Jason got the throne.they even went through clashing rocks but a man called Phinius was being hurt by harpies due to punishment and they helped him so he told them how to get through the rocks.