I think that I found a new route to India, the Catholic kings have given me 3 caravels for an expedition to discover new paths
We were successful in our search, we found new islands and territories and after several months we went back to Spain to inform and prepare for our next expedition.
After the success of the first expedition they gave me a team of 1500 men and more than 27 ships for this expedition, we discovered that the fort that we had left had been burned down and its men killed we founded the city of Isabela and we also discovered new territories such as Jamaica or Puerto Rico
This is already my third expedition I have discovered many islands and territories I have many titles and recognition, although there are a few people here who are not very happy with all this but it does not seem to be important, everything is going very well now
The complaints of the rebels reached the kings of Spain, I have been arrested and stripped of all my titles and my reputation, I will be taken from Velta to Spain
This will be my last trip after they arrested me and it is the fourth, they took away all my title and recognition, but the kings of Spain insisted that I come to win the race of colonization to other countries also I am somewhat ill now