This assignment is supposed to be on a video game but i've never played a game so i didn't know what to do
I thought outside the box and i've turned this assignment into what i can talk you about since i have no experience with the original assignments Category
Why Don't i have experience with the original assignments category you may ask. Well this assignment was about videos games and ive never in my 16 years of life played a video game. The reason i havent played video games if because I don't find any interest in them.
Why don't i have interest in video games? That's an easy question to answer, i've never found video games amusing or fun or as something i would like too do i would rather be outside like going to the beach or even a closeby place like the park than really sitting down and playing a game.
Ever since i was a kid I haven't found technology much amusing i would like watching tv playing games not even the games or apps made for kids to play, As a little kid i would rather my parents take me to the park and hve me play with others kids my age or even just supervise me in playing outside alone.
Till this day i enjoy going out with friends rather than being inside sometimes i even rather be outside even if its just laying down on the hamic or playing with my pets outside so since these are the things i do and i don't have interest in playing video games ever i dope you understand why i took this assignment and turn into an explanation of why I dont have the knowledge to do it.