have you ever wondered who paved the way for modern human anatomy? andreas vesalius impacted the renaissance to now in many ways. vesalius was one of the greatest and most determined doctors of his time
As I got older I became very interested in human anatomy but it was not very common, so I risked imprisonment and stole human bodys from gallows. I then wrote and illustrated one of the most influential books about human anatomy.
By writing a 7 volume textbook I was able to influence modern human anatomy for my time and many years to come. This achievement in my life helped me become known as the “Father of Modern Human Anatomy”.
I was born to a family of pharmacist,doctors and Catholics.I began attending Catholic school at the age of six and continued for nine years and went to one of the best medical schools in 1533.
In my opinion,Vesalius has had a lasting impact on the world. For these and many other reasons,Andreas Vesalius impacted the medical field from the renaissance to now in many ways.