My name's Ana, so bear with me here, I'll be your "tour guide" for this.
I will try my best to get through this story and I will explain it as best I can.
Welcome to the Virginia and New Jersey Plan debate between the large and small state representatives of America.
The Virginia Plan, suggested by James Madison, proposed that there would be a two house legislature with representation based on population.
Afterwards, smaller states objected because the larger states would have too much political power. So they developed the New Jersey Plan that called for equal representation - no matter the size of the population.
Then an agreement emerged known as the Great Compromise
The Constitution provides for proportional representation in the U.S. House of Representatives and the seats in the House are apportioned based on state population according to the constitutionally mandated Census.
This ends our tour. Have a wonderful day. I hope we could see each other some other time.