Mr Phonkwane giving the Transnet employees an update
Good morning, thank you for coming to see me once again. As promised, I called you in to update you on the meeting I had with your employer and his lawyer. Unfortunately, your employer is quite adamant on not meeting your demands which will thus force us to take the next step
Continued update with Transnet employees
I knew they would be stubborn to see our point of view. What would the next step be ? Something has to be done. We have families to feed, bills to pay, responsibilities to fulfill ! We can't leave it like this. What will the next step be?
The next step will be for me to meet up with the collective bargaining council and then discuss the way forward in order to achieve your demands in the safest and most effective way possible. Thank you for coming in again, I will keep you posted as to what happens with the collective bargaining council.
Mr Phonkwane updates the Transnet employees on what has transpired in the meeting with their employer Mr Ravi Nair and his lawyer
Meeting with the Collective Bargaining Council
Good morning. Thank you for meeting with me. I'll get straight to the point, I've been approached by several employees from Transnet. They have stated that their employer Mr Ravi Nair has reduced their wages by 25% and then later reduced it by another 25%. The employees have also stated that considering the pandemic they are willing to only take 70% of their original wages but their employer is quite reluctant so what would the next step be?
One of the employees states that their employer's reluctance to meet their demands comes as no surprise, she also expresses even more frustration and asks Mr Phonkwane what the next step is
Continued meeting with the collective bargaining council
Mr Phonkwane states that the next step is to meet with the collective bargaining council and they will them determine the safest and most effective way to achieve their goals
Conclusion to the meeting with the collective bargaining council
As the bargaining council, we would advice you to tell the Transnet employees that we approve of a civilized and protected strike to take place. Hopefully that will force or persuade Mr. Ravi Nair to meet their demands
Mr Phonkwane briefly introduces himself and explains the situation and the employees' concerns of Transnet and then asks what the next step is
The Collective bargaining council agrees that the 50% wage reduction is appalling and the employees have the right to their demands
A 50% wage reduction is more than a little extreme. Considering the financial statements you have provided, we agree that the employees have a right to demand 70% of their original wages..
The collective bargaining council states that the employees can thus have a civil protected strike against their employer which means that they can strike without the risk of getting fired or not getting paid