Why did I pick this spot? Why did I not go up to higher ground to prevent this? Im at fault for this its all my fault im guilty for Kiowas death.
In The Field
I guarantee you if Kiowa was still here he would be telling jokes and cracking us up talk about irony.
In The Field
I found Kiowa this is him.
About those jokes I didn't mean anything I said. If I never brought up those jokes it could have been different
Lieutenant Jimmy Cross rethinks why he chose such a low ground spot to stay for the night which resulted in Kiowas death. If he choose a higher ground spot Kiowa could still be alive.
In The Field
She is cute
Azar talks about Kiowa and how he would be telling jokes if he was here right now because Azar does not want to agree with the relazation of Kiowa really being dead.
In The Field
Once Norman Bowker finds Kiowas body Azar feels that if he never said anything about Kiowa and telling jokes the whole incident would have never happend and that its his fault because he was telling jokes and talking about Kiowa when he was really dead.
In The Field
As Jimmy Cross hedaded back home and drifted off he still remembers the letter he had to write to Kiowas father about why his son tragically passed away.
The Young Solider relives the moment where Kiowa died, he feels extreme gulit about Kiowa's death because he had the flaslight which set off the expslovie leading to Kiowa tragic death.
This is where Jimmy Cross is realizing there is many things he can blame on Kiowas death but he knows he is responsible for picking such a low ground spot and he feels the gulit of Kiowa dying.
When a man dies in war u can blame the weather or the person for joining but a man must take the blame.
This scene shows how even years after war Jimmy Cross still remains with the gulit of Kiowas death and will never forget how is soilder passed away on his command.