A normal afternoon on Maple Street. Don and Steve are talking while Tommy is getting ice cream.#160; Everyone is just enjoying the nice day.
Suddenly, a blast of light comes out of nowhere. just then all the lights go out and everything stops working. Tommy tells everyone the plot of an alien movie. This makes everyone question each other, looking for an alien.
Falling Action
Then, when Les' lights start turning on and off. Les Goodman tries to turn on his car and it doesn't work, but once he gets out, it starts on it's own. This turns everyone against Les and they create a mob outside his house.
Then, through the fog, a dark figure is spotted. Through all of the paranoia, a shotgun is grabbed. Steve pulls it away, but Charlie takes it back and shoots. Everyone rushes to see what it was. It was Steve Van Horn!
After that, everything goes crazy. People turning on each other, lights flicking on and off, cars starting by themselves. From what was just a calm day, turns into a mob of people yelling screaming and hurting each other.
The scene then turns to two figures saying that Maple Street is just like every other street. They will turn on each other in an instant. The story ends with the two figures talking.