Hm, I want to buy some pants online. This is a good time.
3: Browses "All Products For Men"
"Nice and clean page. I notice the clean, controlled elements."
Thoughts: "Nice, big photos. Auto-scrolling, I would expect that. Pretty clean. Photos go full width. My first instinct is to scroll. Nice transition."Feelings: Warm, close to the material. Surprised.
4) Product Details Page
Thoughts: "Again, close-up images, I like that. I know where I'm at. Good navigation."Feelings: Calm, nice, relaxed. "I feel grounded, that I know where I am. It's very zen. I'm bored, but in a good way, as in calm."
5) Payment Gateways
Thoughts: "Nice, zoomed-in shots. There's a confidence to that. Materials look good. I want to make sure I'm seeing all the shirts they have to offer."Feelings: Calm, nice, relaxed. Likes that the choices are limited and not infinite. Enjoyes the minimal nature and consistency of the site.
Thoughts: "They don't have the type of shirt that I was looking for, but they do have the material. I like this, though. I don't want to 'Quick Look', I want to really look at it."Feeling: Curious, inquisitive.
Hmm, they have a lot of. Luckily, I can filter. I'm going to go their shirts section.
Thoughts: "They usually have a payment gateway method of securing safe payment. There are different kind of International cards accepted.Feeling: Quick & Safe payment.
Hmm, the payment has to done through the safe payment Gateway of American Visa Car
Thoughts: "After doing a payment gateway through international card now it's time for the delivery of item to the concerned Address.Feeling: Customer service is Important
Hmm, After a long Navigating of tabs by seraching a tab catalog.Now it's for the delivery of the items.