Oh Venice how pretty are you! The home of many like Shylock the wondrous moneylender, Antonio a merchant whose wealth lies at sea. Bassanio the dear friend of Antonio who wants to win Portia's love. Portia the women who everyone wants to win her love, but oh there are so many more you will meet!
Bassaino needs money especially if he wants to be in a relationship with Portia. He asks Antonio, "Oh Antonio I need you help! I need money." Antonio replies, "I wish I could give you money, but all my money is my tied up in my ships. Oh wait I can ask Shylock." Bassanio says back, "Ah that would be great!"
"Shylock I need your help!" says Antonio. Shylock replies "Oh what do you need?" Antonio thinking about how to ask his question and then he says "I need 3,000 ducats do you think you will be able to help me?" Shylock thinks for a moment then says, "Yes I will be able to help, but all you only have three months to repay me . If you don't pay me back you will owe a piece of you flesh," Antonio jumps up and down in joy. Click To Edit Insert Link Insert Image Insert Video Help Insert ParagraphUndoes the last commandRedoes the last commandTabUntabSet a bold styleSet a italic styleSet a underline styleSet a strikethrough styleClean a styleSet left alignSet center alignSet right alignSet full alignToggle unordered listToggle ordered listOutdent on current paragraphIndent on current paragraphChange current block's format as a paragraph(P tag)Change current block's format as H1Change current block's format as H2Change current block's format as H3Change current block's format as H4Change current block's format as H5Change current block's format as H6Insert horizontal ruleShow Link Dialog Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues Click To Edit"Shylock I need your help!" says Antonio. Shylock replies "Oh what do you need?" Antonio thinking about how to say his question and then he says "I need 3,000 ducats and all my money is at sea." Shylock Click To Edit Insert Link Insert Image Insert Video Help Insert ParagraphUndoes the last commandRedoes the last commandTabUntabSet a bold styleSet a italic styleSet a underline styleSet a strikethrough styleClean a styleSet left alignSet center alignSet right alignSet full alignToggle unordered listToggle ordered listOutdent on current paragraphIndent on current paragraphChange current block's format as a paragraph(P tag)Change current block's format as H1Change current block's format as H2Change current block's format as H3Change current block's format as H4Change current block's format as H5Change current block's format as H6Insert horizontal ruleShow Link Dialog Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues Insert Link Insert Image Insert Video Help Insert ParagraphUndoes the last commandRedoes the last commandTabUntabSet a bold styleSet a italic styleSet a underline styleSet a strikethrough styleClean a styleSet left alignSet center alignSet right alignSet full alignToggle unordered listToggle ordered listOutdent on current paragraphIndent on current paragraphChange current block's format as a paragraph(P tag)Change current block's format as H1Change current block's format as H2Change current block's format as H3Change current block's format as H4Change current block's format as H5Change current block's format as H6Insert horizontal ruleShow Link Dialog Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues
As Bassanio enters the diner Antonio stops him to tell the great news! "Bassanio I talked to Shylock and he said he will give us the 3,000 ducats!" Bassanio replies with a big smile on his face saying "Antonio thank you so much! Now I can go and try to win the love of Portia."
Portia has a big meeting filled with all the men interested in being with her. She explains how someone can win her heart. "There is going to be 3 crates one filled with lead, gold, silver and each of you will choose a casket. The correct casket will have a photo of me in it."
How to win Portia's love
Now it was Bassanio turn to choose what casket to pick after 2 other people have chosen. Bassanio thinks long and hard about which casket to choose, then he says, "I will choose the lead casket." Portia then reveals the what is inside the casket and then appears a picture of Portia. Now Bassanio has won the love of Portia and now they are in a relationship!
Antonio ship was wrecked during a very bad storm and lost everything! All of his wealth was on that ship and now it's all gone. Then Tubal a good friend of Shylock, delivers the message that Antonio ship was wrecked. Then Shylock orders Antonio to go to jail and that they will need to discuss what has happened. Click To EditAntonio ship was wrecked during a very bad storm and lost everything! All of his wealth was on that ship and now it's all gone. There will be no way he will be able to pay Shylock back. Insert Link Insert Image Insert Video Help Insert ParagraphUndoes the last commandRedoes the last commandTabUntabSet a bold styleSet a italic styleSet a underline styleSet a strikethrough styleClean a styleSet left alignSet center alignSet right alignSet full alignToggle unordered listToggle ordered listOutdent on current paragraphIndent on current paragraphChange current block's format as a paragraph(P tag)Change current block's format as H1Change current block's format as H2Change current block's format as H3Change current block's format as H4Change current block's format as H5Change current block's format as H6Insert horizontal ruleShow Link Dialog Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues
Shylock and Antonio have a big debate held in a courtroom filled with the Duke and many other people. Shylock says, "Antonio shall give up a pound of his flesh as he is unable to repay the 3,000 ducats. But then Portia enters and says, ... Click To EditShylock and Antonio have a big debate held in a courtroom filled with the Duke and many other people. Shylock says, "Antonio shall give me a pound of his flesh as he is unable to pay me back the 3,000 ducats." But then Portia enters and... Insert Link Insert Image Insert Video Help Insert ParagraphUndoes the last commandRedoes the last commandTabUntabSet a bold styleSet a italic styleSet a underline styleSet a strikethrough styleClean a styleSet left alignSet center alignSet right alignSet full alignToggle unordered listToggle ordered listOutdent on current paragraphIndent on current paragraphChange current block's format as a paragraph(P tag)Change current block's format as H1Change current block's format as H2Change current block's format as H3Change current block's format as H4Change current block's format as H5Change current block's format as H6Insert horizontal ruleShow Link Dialog Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues
"As I have read the law if Antonio drops one little drop of blood as Shylock is cutting him, all of Shylock's wealth and property will be even to Venice and will no longer be his." Shylock is shocked and tries to leave the courtroom, but then Portia says,"Since you attempted to kill a Venetian your property will be taken and half of it will go to the victim and half to Venice." Click To Edit"As I have read the law if Antonio drops one little drop of blood as Shylock is cutting him, all of Shylock's wealth and property will be given to Venice and will no longer be his." Shylock is shocked and tries to leave the courtroom, but then Portia says,"Since you attempted to kill a Venetian your property will be taken and half of it will go to the victim and half to Venice." Insert Link Insert Image Insert Video Help Insert ParagraphUndoes the last commandRedoes the last commandTabUntabSet a bold styleSet a italic styleSet a underline styleSet a strikethrough styleClean a styleSet left alignSet center alignSet right alignSet full alignToggle unordered listToggle ordered listOutdent on current paragraphIndent on current paragraphChange current block's format as a paragraph(P tag)Change current block's format as H1Change current block's format as H2Change current block's format as H3Change current block's format as H4Change current block's format as H5Change current block's format as H6Insert horizontal ruleShow Link Dialog Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues
Shylock, Antonio, and the Duke all make an agreement in which everyone is satisfied with the outcome. The Duke will take the amount that Shylock owes the state. Antonio will let Shylock keep the amount that he owes Antonio under one condition. That condition is all of Shylock's money shall go to his daughter who converted from Judaism to Christianity for love and broke her father's heart as he was a devoted Jew. They all remained to live a great life!