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Are Your Students Engaged?

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Are Your Students Engaged?
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  • Hello! Welcome to Ms. Jones's World of Wonderful Learning. Today, we will be learning about ways to enhance student engagement and student interaction. Come on in!
  • In order to get your students' attention, try the CRAVE Method: build curiosity, create relevant lessons, ask questions, add variety, evoke emotions.
  • How can I engage my students?
  • Implement the Universal Design for Learning to provide students with options on assignments, increase variability, and enhance student interests in various assignments and tasks. Task: Choose three assignments from the choice board to demonstrate your understanding of characterization.
  • Retrieval Practice is a MUST! It helps students recall information and build on knowledge. "Okay, class. Let's play a Kahoot game on Character Types."
  • Try Again!
  • Good Job!
  • Differentiate to ensure that all learners have equity. You can differentiate in various ways: instruction, directions, assignments, etc.
  • Thanks for stopping by to visit Ms. Jones's World of Wonderful Learning! Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode on building relationships with students. Bye!
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