My name is Araminta, but you probably know me by the name I took when I was older, Harriet Tubman.
I was born into slavery in the state of Maryland around 1820. Until the age of 12 I was expected to help out inside the house with cleaning, caring for babies, and running errands. I was treated very badly from the time I was born.
When I was 12, I was sent out to the fields to work. It was soon after that I was hit in the head with a weight. This incident caused problems for me for the rest of my life.
By the time I turned 25, I knew I had to try to escape. After a few tries, I finally escaped and made my way north to Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania, they did not allow slavery.
It was in Pennsylvania that I changed my name to Harriet. It was originally my mother's name so it meant a lot to me to have this new name.
However, this was also when I realized I needed to help other slaves escape from the horrible lives they were stuck in.
So, I became a conductor of the Underground Railroad. This means I helped guide other slaves to freedom in the north.