In Rome soldiers would train themselves in all types of combat and were ordered by the emperor to defend the land.
Again! How many enemies does Rome have and who are we fighting this time? Well looks like we'll find out later.
Yes my lord!
First day in the Roman army and already going to battle. Well no going back now, and hey maybe you will become a hero like the legends of the past. Like Leonidas.
Today all you men are going to battle to protect Rome. Now prepare and defend your home like no tomorrow!
Good luck! Come back! Protect Rome!
That's just how it is. We give them protection. Don' worry you'll get used to it.
Wow! The people are cheering for us?
While leaving for battle citizens of Rome would applaud them as their protection depended on the soldiers.
Already so much yelling and pressure and we aren't even there.I wonder what it will be like when we actually make it there.
Move it! We need to get to the battle as quick as possible!
Soldiers would charge without fear in unison, and would prepare for the approaching battle ready to sacrifice themselves for Rome.