Channel: Face to FaceMessage: Appointment with Dr. MoeEncoding: Max needs to go to Dr. Moe's office.Sender: MaxReceiver: SarahBarrier: People Talking, Sarah thinkingFeedback: Sarah Directs Max to Dr. Cho's office
People Talking Loudly
Alrighty, his office is down the hall on your left.
Did he say Dr, Moe or Dr, Cho?
Sender: Dr. ChoReceiver: MaxBarrier: Phone notification, Max doesn't realize Dr. Cho called him Jax.Message: A man named Jax has a type of bone cancer in his wrist.Decoding: Dr. Cho, who isn't Max's doctor, is explaining a type of bone cancer to Max.
Receiver: Max
Sender:Dr. Cho
Jax, Judging by your scans, you have a type of bone cancer in your wrist.
Jax?!!! My name is Max!!! And I don't have a right wrist!!! I'm an amputee. Are you even my doctor?!!!
Message: Dr. Cho starts explaining "Max's" bone cancer in his right wrist.Feedback: Max is angry because he doesn't have a right wrist, and he realizes the doctor has been calling him Jax.
Jax, the bone cancer in your right wrist is treatable, but-