Billy Weaver, the protagonist, arrives in Bath, England at about 9 PM. He is looking for a place to stay. He finds a Bed & Breakfast to stay at.
Falling Action
I better be going to bed. I have a big call in the morning.
The Landlady tells Billy to meet her downstairs to sign the book. She gives him some tea and he sees that the only 2 book entries are 2 and 3 years old. The Landlady tells Billy that the other two guests have never left.
The Landlady tells Billy that she stuffs all her pets when they die. He looks at the little dog, Basil, and the parrot in the cage. Which are stuffed.
Billy goes to bed, not wanting more tea. He thinks it tastes of bitter almonds, so he was not particularly fond of it.
Oh, but please have more tea
Billy Weaver dies. The bitter almond taste in the tea was that of cyanide, put there by the Landlady herself.
"Now listen all you folks that are still alive. I am dead, so don't go trusting people you just met. Or people that had only 2 other people at their B&B. Ever."