"The truck's coming!" shouted Zigzag. Stanley looked up at the approaching dust cloud, then back down at the spilled seeds. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. What else is new?”
"Why'd you help me?" Stanley asked. Zero turned around. "You didn't steal the sunflower seeds," he said. "So, neither did you," said Stanley. Zero stared at him. His eyes seemed to expand, and it was almost as if Zero were looking right through him.”
Stanley pulled the lever back untilthe arrow pointed to the letter D, for Drive.The truck lurched forward. Stanley jerked back against the seat and tightly grippedthe wheel as the truck accelerated. His foot was pressed to the floor.The truck went faster and faster across the dry lake bed. It bounced over a pile ofdirt. Suddenly Stanley was slammed forward, then instantly backward as an airbagexploded in his face. He fell out of the open door and onto the ground.
"Why'd you help me?" Stanley asked. Zero turned around. "You didn't steal the sunflower seeds," he said. "So, neither did you," said Stanley. Zero stared at him. His eyes seemed to expand, and it was almost as if Zero were looking right through him.”