The story is set in the year 1829 in the foothills of khasi in Nagaland during the British-India times
Tirot sing was the chief of the Nongklaw clan. They were the inhabitants of the Khasi hills.
Elsewhere in the country, David Scott the Assam commissioner was brewing a plan
I want to expand the empire! But without a proper route we can't send our armies further Northeast
After observing the map of India...... It suddenly clicks to him!
I can pass a route in-between the khasi hills !
It will also show those damned freedom fighters to not underestimate our might!
He confirms the plan with his superiors and they all agree with the plan.
After some time........
Now we have to do something to get the trust of the tribe. then we will get no obstructions.
We could round them up! we have to use force otherwise they will retaliate!
We should try a peaceful approach!
No! in turn we will receive more brutal and violent uprisings !
I agree with the him!After the completion of routes, we will see what the situation requires afterwards.
Scribe! write a letter to Tirot sing to make an agreement with them! Tell them that we will provide them British protection and material & labor to them. This will be to aid them is building our routes.