Wow! It sure is hot down here. I'm roasting from all of the conduction from the rocks. Time to evaporate!
I love starting the water cycle. I create all that radiation!
We're clouds now!
Not long! We're turning into clouds, so the process of condensation is starting
Convection really helped us reach new heights on our journey!
Anyone know how much longer till we reach our dew point?
It sure is chilly up here !
Precipitation is starting!
Ready to get back down to Earth?
Hey guys, look! We're transpirating
One of the friends landed on a mountain and became runoff and later groundwater on his journey back to a lake
Here I am! I'm now runoff and heading down the mountain!
Now I'm groundwater and heading back to a lake!
The other friend landed in a field of grass, where he infiltrated the ground and later became percolation. Now he's underground heading back toward a lake
Look! Down here. I infiltrated (broke through) the ground and now I'm percolation.