Aladdin is a mischievous child who lives in a large and busy town with his friend Abu.EXPOSITION:
One time when Aladdin was is in the public market, stealing foods, they saw Princess Jasmine who sneaked up behind him, out of the palace.EXPOSITION:
Princess Jasmine was talking to Aladdin and because of jealousy Jafar ordered the palace guards to threw Aladdin in a far desert. Aladdin was left alone, then suddenly there's a man appeared in front of him saying there's a genie on the desert. CONFILICT:
Aladdin found the genie and the man try to trick him but it didn't work. So Aladdin make a wish and the genie granted it. He wish to be a prince with a lot of money and after that he came back to the palace. RISING ACTION:
When Aladdin came back in the palace, he wants to marry Princess Jasmine so he offered the king lots of money. The king agreed to it. After that Princess Jasmine knew that Aladdin is the boy she met in the public market. CLIMAX:
After what happened the king agreed to the marriage of Aladdin and his daughter Princess Jasmine. The two of them lived happily ever afterRESOLUTION: