Beethoven? Oh yes! You're the one who improvised for me in Vienna. I remember you had talent, but an attitude too!
Mozart (proclaiming loudly)! It's me Beethoven!
Ah yes, my first recital. I was just 16!
I hated the aristocrats at court!
Although I was enlightened, my music was a reflection of not feeling the religious scene. I didn't like people telling me what to believe. Besides, science was way more interesting.
I felt the same way! I did not trust the aristocracy. I was a hero because I was brave enough to go against ideas of a claim to a birthright and stupid religious traditions.
Seeing you brings back memories. Your work reminds me of myself.I was something of a spectacle in my day. There aren't many who have done what I did.
What do you call someone who wrote a symphony at 8, an opera at 12, and wrote for the Austrian orchestra at 15 years old?
...and who created perfectly structured melodies that are easy to remember!
...and could compose a symphony in a week!
....and brought the clarinet to the orchestra
...and make the women cry and faint at a performance!
Yeah! And... defy the church,...and bridge the gap between the Classical and Romantic periods..
...and create over 600 works that represent classical originals that will be replicated!
....and give the world something to talk about as a child!
......and who wrote for the largest orchestra ever!...and who wrote at least 100 works in total!