Leave him alone or I will tear your flesh apart!
What is that!
Camp Half Blood
You drool in your sleep
The Son of Poseidon
All hail the son of the sea God
After spending all of his life feeling like a loser and how much of his life sucks, the truth of it all is revealed in a unexpected way
To Hell and Back
After Percy's epic battle with the minotaur he passes out from shock and exhaustion. Grover luckily brings him to camp half blood and is taken care of from a girl named Annabeth.
I Battle My Jerk Relative
After a thrilling match of capture the flag, Percy's father is revealed to be the sea God, poseidon.
The Betrayal
I'm sorry Percy but I must get my revenge on the Gods.
How could you betray everyone at camp.
After getting through all of the underworld's defenses the trio meets the god of the underworld, Hades.
After leaving the underworld Percy faces Ares, the true lightning thief.
After Percy completes his quest and saves the world from a big war the traitor is revealed to be Luke, son of Hermes.