-mid shot -walks from left into door, chill, calm -cars past, camera from other side of road -camera will stay in same spot
shot 4
Title shot must be romantic looking, fade in and out, curly writing
shot 5
-mid shot -boy1 sit down -see girl1 sitting there
shot 6
-mid shot -cut to girl1 who looks up to see cam -double take look up to check if he really was staring
-mid shot -cut to boy1 who is smirking and confident
-mid shot -cut back to girl1 who looks up and politely smiles
shot 7: leave 1
shot 8: walk in 2
shot 9: sit 2 (wave)
-mid shot -we see both exit and head different directions -boy1 looks back and smiles before walking off
shot 10
-mid shot -same as shot one but he seems happier this time excited to see the girl
shot 11a
-mid shot
shot 11b
shot 12a
shot 12b
-mid shot -we see the girls look up tuck her hair behind her ear and smile -she then waves
-mid shot boy: Waving at girl thinking with excitement and eagerness, but he is interrupted by the waiter bringing him his chips. he attempts to shake salt and none comes out so he shakes manically that causes the salt to spill everywhere.
we cut to girl1 visibly disturbed by his reaction
boy1 sees her reaction and attempts to laugh it off
-she laughs it off too
shot 13: leave 2
shot 14: walk in 3 (rose)
shot 15
-mid shot -we see both exit similar to shot 6 except now the boy walks slowly backwards first then has an idea and runs out of the shot
shot 16
-mid shot Cuts to next scene where he is walking into the café yet again, he is walking with the same stride and with a sense of determination. One hand clutches a rose whilst the other swings by his side.
shot 18
He sits down at that same table without a slouch, and gently places the rose on the table He looks up to see boy 2 sitting in front of girl 1 at her table
shot 17
we see from behind boy2's head, we are unable to see girl1
Boy 2 and Girl 1 are holding hands across the table
we go back to the shot of the back of boy2's head but this time we see from boy1's perspective
shot 19
shot 20
shot 21
we see this shot from girl1's perspective we see boy1 lean from behind boy2 then back up again
shot 22
has a look of confusion on his face sits back into his chair and looks around for some sort of recognition from anyone who may have witnessed this – he thinks it is absurd and is looking for sympathy
shot 23
He looks a final time, and tries to wave at girl1 He is so frustrated and confused, but more angry than anything
shot 24
He leaves the café in complete and utter rage, without anyone taking notice of him He steps outside the café, and rather than going right, he goes left We see him walk, which turns from a jog to a fast run
shot 25
run on street from across road or in the middle at park
shot 26
run along tin fence we see camera from across road
shot 27
run along section of lake
shot 28
He stops outside a café and he goes inside
shot 29
He slouches like he did originally, panting He looks up to see a girl sitting across from him, much like the first girl
shot 30: credits
credits and thank you's bloopers to the left
Gets up from his chair as though he refuses to waste any more time, he fixes his hair and his collar, walks over to her table and plonks the dead rose in front of her