Hi i am Moses i freed the jews from slavery and led them to the promised land that God promised them.
I also told him about the ten commandments and i helped him part the red sea.
Hi iam Siddhartha I used to be a prince but I gave all that up to seek spiritual enlightenment
Whatever sound an elephant makes.
Really. I am such a big fan of you. I love the way you stood up to the Egyptians and freed your people.
Moses what are you doing here.
I came because of you. I heard about how You gave up your riches so you can focus on your spirituality
I would love to show you around but only if you tell me how you parted the red sea
oh that old trick, i never really did much except put my staff to the ground. The rest was all God
Would you mind showing me around I would love to here more about how you made your very own religion.
Creating my religion was hard at first because I was not used to living in poverty but the suffering of the world moved me and I started living my life in middle way which means existing between two extremes.
Wow Siddhartha thats amazing I love how thought of others before your self.
Take this curry before you leave as a thank you gift for teaching me about your religion and beliefs.
Thank you so much Siddhartha I will make sure to keep your teachings close to me. And I can't wait to devour this curry