I don't know Potassium I just haven't been feeling great lately. I was thinking I should get this extra valence electron checked out.
I think that would be best Sodium. Once I got rid of my one valence electron and bonded my cation with oxygens anion, I started feeling a lot better and recovered from excess electron sickness.
Okay.. let's do it.
What is it....
It's a simple transfer surgery actually, we'll take your excess valence electron and transfer it to another element. Which will then make you neutral.
Mr. Sodium, your test results do point to you having excess ion sickness. But don't worry we have a solution.
Doctor Beryllium detaches Sodium's one valence electron.
Let's get this electron to Ms. Chloride while it's still viable for the transfer!
Doctor Calcium transfers Sodium's electron to Chloride to complete her valence shell.
Hey, you, what did you have done?
WAIT I just was a donor for a valence electron transfer... DID YOU GET MY ELECTRON??
Are you Sodium?? I was given a sodium electron.
Oh I just got my valence shell filled!
Sodium and Chloride then went on to have a baby element, in the same place they met for their transplants, named Sodium chorlide.