The Brush was a 'path beaten hard by boys coming down from the ranches'. The word beaten suggests that many have been there before, its a very well known place. It was very misty, quiet and cool. Here we are given a very clear description of this place, it also highlights the story of migrant workers.
'We'd have a little house an' a room to ourself'. This is what George says to Lennie about the dream farm and fatta the lan' that they are dreaming of getting. The words 'we' and 'our' suggests a bond between the two, suggesting they are close. It also makes us invest in their dream and want it to happen too.
'For, being alone, Crooks could leave his stuff out'. This suggests loneliness as he is all alone in his room and the other bunkers share. The comma's separating being alone also links to his separation from the rest. As well as being alone and it giving the effect of loneliness, it also tells us he has privilege as he has his own space.