su nombre es bart simpson tiene 10 años es de Simpsorama bart patina y molesta a la gente
A Bart le gusta ver televisión y skatebaord y leer cómics y jugar videojuegos y Bart sale con Mary Spuckler
bart says 1000 cases is nothing im never going to get covid its not real its just the government saying trying to steal are money homer laughs and says your 100% right bartbart and homer say covid isnt real that its all lies
no le gusta la tarea y a Bart no le gusta homer
Lisa says "you idiots the 1000 cases can turn into millions with how easy it is to spread when people that don't wear masks like you guys exist"camera zooms onto lisa to show her facial expressions
Patina y cuelga con amigos y jugar videojuegos y ver star wars
Marge say Oh no this is the end of the world were all going to diecamera zooms onto marge to show concern and her expressions
sus clases son matemáticas ingles y gimnasio yle gusta el gimnasio pero no las matemáticas y el inglésel gimnasio es su clase favorita
marge yells and says put a mask on, its for you're own safety bart says No theres no point in them their useless they dont do anything bart leaves his house to go to school with no mask
the teacher says im glad to see most of u guys are wearing masks for those of you who aren't you should think about others not just yourself bart whispers to his friend masks are useless bart is in class with no mask
bart cough Mr Burns yells were you mask bart simpson in an angry tone bart is skateboarding home through the town. gets yelled at for not wearing a mask