The story of the journey of an HBS ExEd Participant
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I want to advance my career so I think I need to take a course or a training.
An executive education program is what you should look into. Check out Harvard Business School's website and you'll find many great programs.
The comparison tool on the website helped me compare my top three program choices. I think I know which program I would like to select, but I want to discuss my choice further with a Program Advisor.
On the phone: Executive Education, this is Molly your Program Advisor. How can I assist you?
Hi Molly, my name is Francois. I'm on your website and I have narrowed my program choices down to 3. I need your advice on which program is best for me.
Francois and I discussed his reasons for wanting to take a program at HBS as well as his background. Based on our conversation, I recommended he apply to REM. I followed up with an email with links to curriculum guides and a link to submit the application online. While filling out the application, Francois wasn’t quite sure how to answer some of the questions, so he contacted me again.
I submitted my application online and received an email stating the application was received. I thought everything must be OK, but I wanted to be sure, so I emailed the Admissions office to confirm. I called the office, too, to be extra certain!