I will be going now, sir and not cause you any trouble.
You're that fool part of the Montague who killed my cousin's love and you came here to do notorious mischief with the dead bodies.
Balthasar left the room, then Paris starts fighting Romeo and Romeo wins the fight by stabbing Paris with a knife.
Romeo then drinks poison because Juliet was dead as he could not bare the thought of living without his beloved Juliet
I can't live without Juliet I must commit suicide.
I can't live without my beloved Romeo, I must end my life.
Right after Romeo drinks the poison, Juliet wakes up and see's Romeo's dead body and couldn't bare the thought of living without Romeo and took the Knife Romeo killed Paris with and stabbed herself and died
Romeo's mom comes in and finds everyone dead and see's that her son, Romeo is dead and dies of shock.
My dear, Romeo!!
That night, the story of a young, rich and famous couple's tale was ended. Romeo, Paris, Juliet and Romeo's mom all died that same night.