Kensington Medical Clinic 12620A - 132 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5L 3P9 Tel: 780-990-1820
Capilano Medical Centre 5818 Terrace Road Edmonton, AB T6A 3Y8 Tel: 780-761-3330
Medigroup Logo (Maybe Using After Effects)
Management Interview (Speaking)
Westmount Medical Clinic 11035 Groat Road Edmonton, AB T5M 3J9 Tel: 780-705-4090
A patient walk into the clinic
Receptionist with the patients
Then the camera keeps moving in the clinic to all other rooms. Fast motion when going to the room.
After Fast motion to the room, slow motion to the room inside, a banner box appears to show the name of the room/equipment (Can use After Effects motion tracking to make it HiTech and Professional)
Name of the Room/Equpiment Description of the function
Keep going fast motion to another room, and slow motion to another room/equipment
Name of the Room/Equipment Description of the function
Keep going until showing all rooms/equipments. The whole sequence is fast but rich in video.
Name of the Room/Equipment Description of the function
Doctor Interview in Exam Room (Speaking)
Clinic's Features: •Family Medicine practice •Professional Medical Services
Doctor Introduces medical services of Medigroup
Clinic's Features: •Digital Data System •Online Book •Others
Doctor taking action (exam) with patient
Doctor taking action (exam) with patient
Kensington Medical Clinic Capilano Medical Centre Westmount Medical Clinic "Three Clinics, Triple Medical Supports"
Doctor taking action (exam) with patient Keep going to all actions until finish
Management explains Medigroup the history, backgrounds, locations, systems (other than medical).
Show the video to operate the booking and other systems.
May has a slogan
Show the medical team
Happy Patients
Patient steps out, blur out, and logo shows. May has a slogan