In the beginning, God created the world over a period of 7days. He created many beautiful things that we appreciate today.First, he began to create the day and the night.
He created a man named Adam. He created Adam to take care of the world he had created. God also created a woman named Eve, the seas, the land and many animals and humans that live on the earth to this day.
God told Adam and Eve that they were allowed to eat any of the fruit from the trees except for the apple tree that was strictly forbidden, God told them that if they ate from the tree they would die. Adam and Eve did not obey God and they ate the apple. This created sin and broke the trust and relationship with God.
Humans everyday are breaking god's rules. They choose to sin daily. Humans make these bad choices by taking another human being's life, stealing property, being deceitful and damaging the environment they live in.
The next morning Adam and Eve wokeup feelingguilty, Godconfrontedthe two about the situation and theyconfessed totheir sins. As punishment for their actions God banned them from theGarden of Eden and forced them to survive on their own.